Yoga studio interior design

Yoga studio interior design | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

As the lives of modern people become more and more difficult, interest in yoga, which can refine the body and mind, is increasing. The high interest in yoga shows the modern people’s demand for a happy life. Eating well, living well, and getting a good rest are generally related to the health of the body and mind. For this reason, it is common for modern yoga studios to be decorated so that anyone can easily access them with a comfortable and soft image. In today’s article, we introduce the interior of a yoga studio that will make you feel comfortable just by looking at it. 

Yoga is an exercise that evenly stimulates the muscles of the body through various movements. Anyone can easily learn and enjoy even in a small space, and it is loved by many because it has a good effect on mental training and muscle strengthening. The expert has decorated the desk with soft and bright images so that people who visit this yoga studio to learn yoga can feel more comfortable and cozy from the entrance. The desk interior, which is created comfortably and cozy in calm tones, stimulates visitors to think about the meaning of true relaxation and health, instead of feeling obsessive about diet or exercise.

This place is a stall displaying yoga-related products. A rectangular space was created on the white-tone wall and neatly finished with wood. This space, emphasized by simple lighting and simple lettering, stands out for its minimalist yet modern design. The stall space created in this way naturally attracts attention and displays products without burden, even without fancy decorative elements, which increases satisfaction.

A rest area where you can sit comfortably before or after exercise is provided in front of the large opening . Place flower pots on a large window where sunlight pours in to create a cozy atmosphere. This idea helps visitors to relax in comfort like a cafe here.

The space to learn yoga is decorated with a comfortable interior just like a homeIt is a bright space with sunlight pouring in through the wide windows, but it is brightly lit with more abundant lighting. Ceiling fans help create the most comfortable environment. The rail-type lighting on the exposed ceiling shows off a trendy interior style, boasting an industrial charm.

As much as foam mats are used in yoga studios, storage ideas to keep the space neatly organized are important. The expert chose the idea of ​​arranging the foam mats in a stylish way rather than putting them in drawers or cabinets unconditionally. In this yoga studio, instead of a cabinet, a shelf made to store mats stands out. Shelves manufactured considering the shape and weight of the mat mainly use vertical space, which has the advantage of maintaining a wider sense of space and sensibly displaying the mat as an element of the interior.

The locker room for storing items while exercising or showering has chosen a soft and stylish design. The locker room, created by combining the soft tones of white and wood, excludes fancy decorations and shows a subtle yet elegant charm. Round mirrors and lighting are elements that make the space more bright and lively.

The passage connecting the space and space was created in an arch shape to emphasize a soft image, and a sliding door was attached and interior accessories were naturally placed on the main surface to create a unique sensibility as if indifferent.

War against bad air in the house

The first thing we notice when entering a house is the smell of the house. If you don’t ventilate properly, you’ll not only know what you’ve cooked for the evening, but you’ll also know that the house hasn’t been emptied of trash. Our very sensitive sense of smell also determines our first impressions and our mood. The first impression of a house is also influenced by smell, olfactory rather than visual. In addition, the air, which directly affects the cleanliness and health of the house, requires special periodic ventilation in the house, which is a closed space. If there is no ventilation in the house, it is easy for bacteria such as mold to grow and it is not good for health. So today, I would like to introduce you to how to win the war against bad air in your home. Let’s find out together how to say goodbye to the bad air in our house forever and live with the fresh air.

Farewell to bad air

In order to keep the inside of the house comfortable, first of all, it is necessary to ventilate the bad air in the house. Regardless of the size of the house and the number of family members, a home is a space that needs to be ventilated regularly. Because it is a place where there are various furniture, clothes, food, etc., it is a space where you do not know when mold will form and various smells such as cooking do not leave. In addition, if carbon dioxide accumulates in a limited amount of oxygen without air ventilation in a confined space, not only will concentration fall, but also adversely affect health. Especially in winter, if you do not open the windows because it is cold, water droplets form on the windows due to the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the house, which makes it easy to form mold on the windows. Therefore, even if it is cold, it should be ventilated periodically to ensure air circulation. Don’t forget that breaking up with bad air is the first way to keep your home clean.

Bad air causes – wrong humidity & temperature

You can live a healthy life indoors by maintaining the proper temperature and humidity for humans. More than 90% of the day-to-day work of modern people who live busy lives every day is done indoors. Therefore, it is important to live in a comfortable atmosphere, especially at the proper temperature and humidity indoors. Maintaining proper temperature and humidity for each season is a very important factor in maintaining health. If the temperature is too high to be hot or too low to be cold, it is uncomfortable to move. In addition, if the humidity is too low and dry, various diseases can occur, and if the humidity is too high, various microorganisms can breed.

It is said that the most comfortable and healthy environment for humans is a temperature between 18°C ​​and 22°C and humidity between 40% and 60%. There are slight differences by season, and if you keep the differences, you can live healthy indoors. In spring and autumn, it is good to maintain a humidity of 50% and a temperature between 19 and 23 degrees, and in summer, a humidity of 60% and a temperature of 24 to 27 degrees is good. In the last winter, keep the humidity of 40% and the temperature between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. Especially in winter, it is recommended to ventilate the room frequently and use a humidifier because the air can be easily dried through a heater or stove and the air can become turbid.

How to avoid bad air

This time, let’s learn how to keep the proper humidity and temperature, and avoid bad air. First of all, it is important to ventilate regularly as soon as you wake up in the morning for fresh air, such as carbon dioxide generated while sleeping. Especially in winter, water droplets easily form on the windows due to the temperature difference between inside and outside, so ventilation is essential to prevent mold. Also, if you are cooking indoors, it is recommended to cook with the window open and use ventilation. In the bathroom, odors are not easily discharged, so use ventilation holes frequently, always are careful not to form mold, and pay special attention to ventilation. In addition, use an air purifier to prevent bad air from continuing.

Plant utilization

Learn how to purify indoor air using plants. Recently, various plants that help purify indoor air are gaining popularity. Not only is it aesthetically beautiful, but it also releases a lot of oxygen, adding comfort to the air. For example, a plant called Tillandsia is very popular because it is easy to hang on the wall, helps with interior decoration, and is easy to grow and care for. In addition, a plant called Skindapsid helps control moisture in the house through transpiration and evaporation of the leaves. That is, the indoor humidity is controlled and pollutants in the indoor air are purified by the process of releasing water in the plant into the air through the pores of the leaf and transpiration, a phenomenon in which moisture evaporates from the soil surface that holds the roots of the plant. Without a special humidifier or air purifier, it can be effectively used not only in the house but also in the office. In addition, if you use other green plants such as charcoal, you can naturally control the humidity, and you can make the indoor air pleasant with fresh oxygen through the breathing of the plants.


Using a machine for effective ventilation and ventilation of the room can also be a good idea. First, if you have children or are sensitive to health, we recommend using a humidifier or air purifier. Since proper humidity and temperature have a great effect on your health, it is good to use a machine that effectively purifies the air. It is important to avoid drying out the inside of the house through a humidifier. In particular, children tend to feel dry while sleeping, so use a humidifier to maintain proper humidity. In addition, as fine dust and yellow dust have increased recently, it has become difficult to ventilate at will. In this case, use an air purifier to change the bad air in the house into good air. It can change the air comfortably quickly and effectively, and has the convenience of adjusting the intensity. In addition to this, there is a newly emerged waste heat recovery ventilation system, that is, a red heat exchanger. This machine purifies the indoor air pollution with mechanical ventilation while maintaining the indoor air temperature. It is the principle of exchanging heat as the inflow and exhaust air into one and the same space pass. As the indoor polluted and warm air goes through the waste heat recovery device, the cold and polluted air goes out, and the fresh and cold air from the outside becomes warm and fresh air. This not only makes the air pleasant, but also keeps the inside of the house warm without a special boiler.

Tips for choosing an air purifier

Here are some things to consider before buying an air purifier. First of all, it is reasonable to select the appropriate space according to the structure and use of the space. This is because there are various uses such as general air cleaning, dehumidifying air cleaning, and humidified air cleaning. Next, you need to select the performance of the product that suits the user’s health condition. There are several filters for different purposes, so you can purchase according to your needs. It is also recommended to buy an air purifier with a capacity that fits the area you are using or slightly larger than the actual space. And it is good to check that the technology of the product is certified through a public institution. It is safe to check the certification mark given after testing the efficiency and ozone generation in accordance with standard specifications by an authorized testing institution.

Make sure there is no mold

Lastly, along with the air, hygienic aspects cannot be left out. Check for mold in places you can’t reach in the house, and regularly remove mold, such as in the bathroom. As mentioned above, especially in winter, mold is easy to form due to the temperature difference. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain proper indoor temperature and humidity, and to check for mold regularly. Try to maintain the proper humidity and temperature for the season, and use plants or machines to keep the indoor air comfortable for a long time.

Things you need to do yoga at home

Yoga, a method of training the mind and body by refining posture and breathing, and unifying and purifying the mind, originated from India. It originates from the slang word ‘yuzu’ which means ‘to unite’, and it means to match or unite with a specific purpose by straining the mind. It was interpreted as a practice method to find the true self through realization from within, not from the outside. Overall, the practice of yoga puts moral control first and focuses on developing mental strength and purifying the body to harmonize the body and mind. Also, it aims to recover human nature by reaching the samadhi of the unconscious through sitting method, breakfast, and degaussing. These days, yoga is being established as a hot exercise for those who go to a private academy to learn or simply watch videos at home to keep their body and mind healthy rather than simply for the purpose of dieting.

If you want to do yoga in your own space that helps blood circulation and gives emotional stability through this correct posture, pay attention to today’s article.

Things to check before starting yoga

In winter, when your basal metabolic rate is high, you can lose weight more easily than in summer and maintain good health if you exercise and make up your mind. In the cold winter, you should exercise indoors rather than outdoors to avoid getting a cold and keep your body healthy. You can do yoga yourself at home without spending a lot of money, with a few supplies and plenty of space. It’s good to know a few things before starting yoga. Once you check your body condition, it is better to avoid excessive motion if your condition is not good. Also, the best time to do yoga is at sunrise and sunset. Yoga in the morning activates more simulated energy, and yoga in the evening helps you sleep and relax. The most important mindset before doing yoga is to not be greedy and only do as much as you can. There are many difficult movements during yoga, so it is good to follow them forcibly and not put stress on the body. It’s good to start with the idea of ​​emptying your mind and focusing on yourself.

Yoga mat

Yoga mats vary in price according to their quality and thickness. If we divide yoga mats broadly, there are PVC material and TP material. Of course, PVC also varies from PVC to PVC, but it is one of the cheapest types, followed by TP material. Even better than this is natural rubber. At this time, there are products made with eco-friendly TP and natural rubber because the weight becomes very heavy if only rubber is made. There are three most important factors when choosing a yoga mat. You can purchase it after carefully considering whether it is non-slip, the material (thickness and material), and whether there is a chemical smell. It is not a simple accessory, but a product necessary for exercise for health, so you should carefully consider and purchase it.

Yoga clothes

If you have a yoga mat, you need to purchase yoga clothes. What should you consider when buying yoga clothes? When purchasing yoga clothes, you should not pursue a vaguely beautiful design, but carefully consider whether it is comfortable or suitable for your body while exercising. It is also important to carefully consider the fit and functionality, and to absorb sweat well. For yoga clothes, buy a slightly loose fit, and choose yoga clothes made of soft materials to avoid rough contact with your skin while doing yoga. In addition, there should be no discomfort in movement. Also, when doing yoga, it is better to avoid bras with locks or wires, so it is better to wear a bra for sports or yoga.

Light selection

Lights and shadows in lighting play an important role in indoor and outdoor spaces. A single light not only gives the atmosphere of the house but also a sense of safety. When exercising, installing lighting for atmosphere and stability is also helpful when exercising. In the case of decorative floor lamp lighting, it is one of the lights that save the atmosphere in the house. If the color temperature is low and the lighting that can be adjusted from the low level is good, and the lighting color is dark wine or yellow, you can make a comfortable space by choosing a warm color. It is also a good idea to install a recessed light that softens the atmosphere, a wall light that creates a subtle space, and a strong decorative spotlight that illuminates paintings and sculptures.

Sound and scent

When practicing yoga, it is important to calm the mind in an environment that provides basic stability. At this time, let’s change the atmosphere with music and incense.

It is good to put an aromatic candle or diffuser that has a calming effect on the mind and body for a subtle scent. The scent of lavender helps to stabilize the mind and body and sleep, and the scent of bergamot relieves stress and insomnia because it has an air purification function. I also like the peppermint scent, and smelling peppermint boosts motivation, energy, and confidence. In addition, phytoncide has an excellent psychological stabilization effect and excellent sterilization power, so it repels insects in the room and purifies the air.

In general, yoga music uses a lot of music that uses the sounds of nature, which is quiet and comfortable enough to focus on movement. Choose music that you can focus on.


Since yoga is an exercise in which breathing is important, it is essential to keep fresh air indoors. At this time, let’s keep the fresh air with indoor air purifying plants.

There are countless types of indoor air purifying plants, and among them, Stookies are well known as indoor air purifying plants. Stooky is a plant that can grow up to 1m tall, and is easy to grow at home because it is strong in direct sunlight and adapts well to shade. If you place it in a well-ventilated place and grow it indoors, it will purify the air, so there is no need to have an air purifier in the house. There is also sansevieria, which absorbs carbon dioxide at night to release oxygen and generate negative ions, removing pollutants such as benzene, ammonia, and xylene. Because it grows well in high temperature, high humidity and bright places, it helps to purify the air if placed in the living room or bedroom of the house.


If you don’t ventilate the room, dust will accumulate and the indoor air will be polluted. Because of this, it causes various symptoms such as chronic cold, cough, phlegm, respiratory disease, and headache, and no matter how much you train your body with yoga, it can cause disease due to polluted indoor air. It is very important to ventilate the room like this. Ventilation is good in a time when the sun is strong between 11 am and 4 pm, and it is recommended to ventilate at least 3 times for 30 minutes each. At this time, it is good to open all the windows in the room and open the wardrobe or furniture drawers together for ventilation. This is because furniture ventilation can prevent the formation of various harmful substances or moisture generated in the furniture and prevents the propagation of bacteria.

Designing a yoga studio requires careful consideration of both aesthetic and functional elements to create a serene and welcoming environment. Here are key aspects to consider when planning the interior design of a yoga studio:

  1. Natural Light and Ventilation:
    • Large Windows: Maximize natural light by incorporating large windows or skylights. This creates a connection with the outdoors and provides a calming atmosphere.
    • Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation to maintain fresh air and create a comfortable environment during yoga sessions.
  2. Calming Color Palette:
    • Soft, Earthy Tones: Use a calming color palette with soft, earthy tones such as muted greens, blues, and neutrals. These colors evoke tranquility and help create a peaceful atmosphere.
  3. Minimalistic Design:
    • Clutter-Free Spaces: Keep the design minimalistic to create an uncluttered and serene environment. Remove unnecessary furniture and decor to allow for free movement during yoga sessions.
  4. Flexible Layout:
    • Modular Furniture: Use modular and easily movable furniture to allow for different yoga class setups. This flexibility accommodates various yoga styles and class sizes.
  5. Flooring:
    • Non-Slip Flooring: Choose flooring that is non-slip and provides adequate cushioning. Bamboo or cork flooring are popular choices for yoga studios due to their natural feel and eco-friendly properties.
    • Unified Flooring: Maintain a consistent flooring material throughout the studio to create visual unity.
  6. Acoustic Considerations:
    • Soundproofing: Implement soundproofing measures to create a quiet and peaceful environment. This is especially important for minimizing external noise disturbances during meditation or relaxation sessions.
  7. Lighting Design:
    • Soft, Indirect Lighting: Use soft, indirect lighting to create a soothing ambiance. Consider incorporating dimmable lights to adjust the brightness based on the type of yoga class or mood.
    • Candlelight or Salt Lamps: Consider using ambient lighting sources like candles or salt lamps for a warm and calming effect.
  8. Natural Elements:
    • Plants: Introduce indoor plants to bring a touch of nature into the space. Plants contribute to better air quality and add a sense of tranquility.
    • Natural Materials: Incorporate natural materials like wood, stone, and bamboo to enhance the studio’s connection to nature.
  9. Yoga Props Storage:
    • Built-In Storage: Design built-in storage for yoga mats, blocks, straps, and other props to keep the space organized and clutter-free.
    • Open Shelving: Use open shelving for easy access to props, promoting an organized and inviting atmosphere.
  10. Aesthetic Details:
    • Inspiring Artwork: Choose artwork that inspires a sense of calm and mindfulness. Consider nature-inspired or abstract artwork that complements the overall theme.
    • Inspirational Quotes: Incorporate inspirational quotes related to yoga, mindfulness, and well-being as motivational elements.
  11. Customizable Spaces:
    • Moveable Partitions: Consider movable partitions or curtains that allow for the creation of smaller, more intimate spaces within the studio for private classes or workshops.
  12. Technology Integration:
    • Audio Systems: Install a high-quality audio system for playing calming music or guided meditation. Ensure that the system is easy to use and can be adapted to different class requirements.
  13. Reception Area:
    • Comfortable Seating: Create a comfortable and inviting reception area for clients to relax before and after classes.
    • Information Display: Provide information about class schedules, upcoming events, and wellness tips in the reception area.

Remember, the key to a successful yoga studio interior design is to create a space that promotes tranquility, mindfulness, and a sense of well-being for both instructors and practitioners. Consider seeking input from experienced yoga instructors and practitioners to ensure the design meets the specific needs of the studio’s community.

Designing a yoga room involves creating a tranquil and harmonious space that supports physical and mental well-being. Here are key elements to consider when planning the interior design of a yoga room:

  1. Purposeful Layout:
    • Mat Placement: Arrange yoga mats in a way that allows for comfortable spacing between practitioners. Consider having a focal point for guided sessions, such as a platform for the instructor or a central space for meditation.
  2. Color Palette:
    • Soothing Colors: Use a calming color palette with soft tones. Shades of green, blue, and earthy neutrals promote relaxation and mindfulness. Avoid overly bright or intense colors that may distract from the practice.
  3. Natural Materials:
    • Sustainable Flooring: Opt for flooring made from natural and sustainable materials, such as cork, bamboo, or eco-friendly yoga mats. These materials contribute to the overall sense of well-being and connection to nature.
  4. Ample Natural Light:
    • Windows and Skylights: Maximize natural light with large windows or skylights. Natural light creates a positive atmosphere and enhances the connection to the outdoors.
  5. Window Treatments:
    • Light Filtering Curtains: Use light-filtering curtains or blinds to control the amount of natural light. These can also provide privacy during sessions or meditation.
  6. Minimalistic Decor:
    • Decluttered Space: Keep the room free of unnecessary furniture and decor. A minimalistic approach promotes a sense of openness and allows for free movement during yoga practice.
  7. Inspiring Art and Imagery:
    • Nature-Inspired Artwork: Choose artwork that reflects nature, tranquility, and mindfulness. Consider images of serene landscapes, symbolic elements, or inspirational quotes related to yoga.
  8. Candles and Incense:
    • Aromatherapy: Use scented candles or incense to introduce calming scents. Scents like lavender, eucalyptus, or sandalwood can enhance the overall yoga experience.
  9. Comfortable Seating Area:
    • Meditation Cushions or Chairs: Create a comfortable area with meditation cushions or chairs for relaxation and mindfulness practices. This space can also serve as a transition area before or after yoga sessions.
  10. Plants and Greenery:
    • Indoor Plants: Incorporate indoor plants to enhance the sense of tranquility and well-being. Plants also contribute to improved air quality.
  11. Personal Altar or Focal Point:
    • Altar or Sacred Space: Designate a corner for a personal altar or focal point. This can include items with personal significance, such as crystals, statues, or symbols that align with spiritual or mindfulness practices.
  12. Flexible Storage Solutions:
    • Yoga Prop Storage: Design storage for yoga mats, blocks, straps, and other props. Consider built-in shelving or storage bins that keep the room organized and clutter-free.
  13. Technology Integration:
    • Speaker System: Install a sound system for playing calming music, guided meditations, or instructor-led sessions. Ensure that the technology is user-friendly and blends seamlessly into the design.
  14. Temperature Control:
    • Climate Control: Maintain a comfortable temperature with proper heating or cooling. A comfortable environment is essential for practitioners to fully engage in their practice.
  15. Mirror Placement:
    • Strategically Placed Mirrors: Consider placing mirrors strategically to help practitioners check their alignment and form during yoga poses. Mirrors can also enhance the perception of space.
  16. Zen-Inspired Design:
    • Zen Garden or Water Feature: If space allows, incorporate a small zen garden or water feature. These elements contribute to a tranquil and meditative atmosphere.

Remember, the key to a successful yoga room design is to create a space that promotes focus, relaxation, and a sense of inner peace. Consider the preferences and needs of those using the space, and aim to provide an environment that supports their physical and mental well-being.