Tips for a perfect living room

Tips for a perfect living room | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

In the mood to change your living room ? Perhaps you want to change the design of the furniture or make the space seem larger? And no matter what you change, the fact remains that the living room is the canonical social space in any home, which means getting the arrangement right is very important.

But this does not mean that you need to copy the design of the living room of the neighbor in which it looks perfect – no two places should be identical, bearing in mind that no two families are necessarily identical. The arrangement of the living room depends on how you use the space.

1- Find a focal pointStylish living room design ideas Gurgaon Noida Delhi NCR

The living room is often where we put the TV, but that doesn’t mean your flatbed friend should be the focal point of the space. If that’s the main place your family watches TV, sure, but you can also focus on the fireplace with a beautiful mirror/artwork on the fireplace piece. This is especially attractive in the living room which means relaxing, reading and listening to music.

Does your living room offer great views of the garden, how about making this generous window the centerpiece of the room? Simply dress up your windows with eye-catching curtains or clever shutters instead of hiding them behind heavy, heavy drapery.

Remember that where you place your furniture will also help determine the focal point of the room. For example, if you want to enjoy a glorious garden view, arrange benches to focus on those windows.

Of course your living room furniture can also be a focal focus. To emphasize conversation and identify seating as major focal points, the room should be arranged so that people walk around, not through, conversation areas. Group sofas and chairs together so that people can easily talk to each other. Conversational layout is especially great if you plan to host and socialize in your living room.

2- Decide whether to make it an open plan or a closed plan?How do you get a functional living room Gurgaon Noida Delhi NCR

Is your living room part of an open house, or do you want to close it off from the rest of the house? This requires some self-analysis on your part.

While some people prefer their living room to be a separate sanctuary (eg, where kids can play and watch TV while adults specialize in the kitchen/dining room), others like an open space where sitting, dining and cooking areas overlap. This also helps make your living room look bigger and brighter.

Of course you can have the best of both worlds: remove the wall to connect the rooms, while defining the living area via double doors or large sliding doors.

3- Make sure you have space for movement

When you’re in the living room, you don’t want to struggle to get back in again.

Does your living room double as the main path to the porch and garden outside? Make sure the furniture is arranged to encourage easy movement rather than climbing up the coffee tables.

If there’s no other choice but for people to roam the living room to get to the kitchen, for example, use open shelves or storage units as screens to partially separate your sitting space.

In an open plan layout, use your furniture to define a circulation path that doesn’t interrupt the flow of the living room. For example, L-shaped sofas can distinguish the boundaries of your living area, effectively separating it from the kitchen and dining space.

4- Buy furniture that fits the space of your room

Size is always important, and this is also true when it comes to living room furniture. Since sofas and chairs are often the main stars of the living room, it is crucial that they fit the space perfectly.

First of all, measure the room before shopping! Even a rough floor plan drawing takes you to the furniture store. Once you have a few pieces of furniture in mind, make some additional sketches and try to place them in different places to see which layouts work best.

5- Take care of the harmony of carpets with furniture

An area rug is one of the best ways to define a seating area, but a lot of people do the shopping the wrong way and then go home with a rug that’s too small.

All of your furniture should be comfortable on this rug for the visual flow to work. And if space doesn’t allow for it, make sure the front legs of at least the large pieces (such as sofas) are on the rug.

However, smaller pieces (side stools, tables) should always have all four legs on your rug.

Tips for a perfect study desk for your child | Gurgaon and Gurugram

Always have your child’s desk in a room to sleep and this makes us a source of concern when planning and must be very comfortable through the material, decoration, and the colors used in the design.

Caution makes you reach better results in planning your child’s office calmly and lovingly, which will motivate your child to study, school results will be higher, and there are many projects we have collected for you 6 projects designers for children’s desks that are very amazing.

Light: natural and artificial

There is a need for a lot of light in the office, and the optimal is the use of natural and artificial light together, provided that the office is in a natural light oasis to benefit from the greatest amount of it, in addition to installing artificial lighting in correct spots to direct the light correctly to ensure that the office is well lit.

Focus on colors

If you can incorporate yellow into your child’s office room, we guarantee that his academic results will improve, because yellow stimulates the central nervous system, taking into account the harmony of colors with each other, and you can advise your child to wear yellow clothes during exams.

High chairs and table

Your child deserves to have a beautiful room with dreamy textiles and accessories and at the same time it should be comfortable, with a chair with a straight back to ensure a proper position of your child’s back without any pain and at the perfect height, look at this corner of the room it seems that it was designed for a princess.

Air conditioner

A very important thing in any space in the house and in the case of your child’s bedroom, it becomes increasingly important, in addition to the windows that allow the air to be renewed, you also have to air conditioning, especially since most of the school months are in the fall and winter seasons, we must take into account the heating of the room well.


A beautiful blue and red room with a desk that collects all the tools that your child can use to draw beautiful paintings or color a picture story, the availability of these tools will develop the abilities of your child.

The desk can be a storage space too; your child’s bedroom has a lot of things like books and computers so we recommend that his desk be designed with lots of shelves and drawers to accommodate everything.

Tips for Choosing a Minimalist Sofa

The sofa is an important element in a dwelling. Almost in every house of any type you can find it in various shapes, sizes and colors. Usually placed in the living room or family room.

The term sofa refers to an object that is comfortable to sit on because the container is made or lined with a soft cushion such as foam and then covered with cloth. This is what distinguishes it from a chair, namely the cushion/foam that covers the seat.

In general, we understand the function of the sofa as a place to sit and rest comfortably, even though its uses and functions are more than that. The shape also varies from a couch to an ordinary chair.

Therefore, choosing a sofa that is suitable in terms of function and design is also not an easy thing. To help you, today we present the following 10 tips:

Sofa function

In principle, a sofa has a function that is almost the same as a chair, only because the surface is softer it may not be used for some things that are a bit hard, such as a foothold to reach something in a high and inaccessible place by just standing. Some of these functions include:

1. A place to unwind

As furniture with the main function as a seat, the sofa provides more comfort than ordinary chairs made of wood, iron, or plastic. After doing tiring work at home or standing on public transportation while traveling, the sofa helps provide comfort when occupied than a regular chair or sitting on the floor. Especially if the type of sofa is a couch, you can freely stretch your legs or even lay down like on a mattress.

2. Aesthetic Elements

As a comfortable place to sit, the sofa is almost always placed in core spaces such as the living  room , family room, work room, relaxing room, etc. The increasingly varied shapes, patterns and types follow the trend, making it an aesthetic element that has a big impact on the room.

Sofa designs are very diverse, as well as motifs that you can choose according to taste. To beautify the look, you can add pillows with shocking colors or seat covers that match the color of the sofa. The most important thing is the harmony between the color, the shape of the sofa, and the walls of the house.

3. Room divider

As a room divider, of course the sofa will not be as rigid as a wooden or bamboo frame, but more flexible. For example, you put a sofa as a barrier between the living room and family room. To emphasize this limit, it is better to choose a long sofa model consisting of two or three seats. Or you can also use a single seater as long as the size is big enough.

4. Suggested Bedding

The sofa can also be used as an alternative as a bed if one time you have guests while the entire bedroom is full. A long sofa/cot is perfect for this. There is even a type of sofa bed with a practical shape that can be used as a sofa as well as a bed as the name suggests. When you want to use it to sleep, you just need to open the seater and then close it back into a regular sofa when not in use. Practical isn’t it?

5. Multi function

Although this function is rarely used instead of chairs, sometimes there are still some people who use the sofa as a foothold to reach something higher. Or even there are also types of sofas that are designed to have drawers underneath so that they can be used to store items.

As the name suggests, minimalist homes  generally have a limited size but also cannot be said to be small/narrow. With these limitations, the aesthetic function is usually not a top priority but is not neglected either. You only need to adjust the needs of the sofa, with the concept of the interior of your room.

To produce beautiful harmonization in a minimalist interior space, choose a simple and simple sofa model. For example, you can buy an L-shaped sofa or a sofa with two seats . A three- seater sofa is still suitable if the room capacity is adequate. The most important thing is that the size of the sofa is proportional to the size of the room where it is placed.

Forcing yourself to buy a large sofa just because you are tempted by the design is a big mistake. A large sofa will take up some of the space so it looks cramped and cramped. For that choose a sofa with a proportional size. Choosing the right sofa and attractive design is not only a visual appeal but also provides comfort.

Before deciding to buy a sofa, it takes careful planning and consideration. Not only regarding the quality and durability of the goods but also the comfort of the users, therefore you can use the following considerations as a reference, including:

1. Space & Size

One form of careful consideration is to determine the room where you will put the sofa. Whether the living room, family room or workspace. By understanding this you will easily determine the appropriate type of sofa. For example, for the living room, you can buy a classic-style sofa and a large size that can accommodate many people. In addition, parallel and or semicircular sofas are also suitable in the living room.

For the family room, you can buy a type of sofa that is almost like a living room, such as a semi-circle or an L-shaped sofa, only the resistance must be stronger because the family will use it on a daily basis. You can imagine how your child plays and jumps on it. Also choose soft sofa cushions with attractive shapes and patterns. As for the workspace, you can choose a smaller size sofa consisting of only two seats.

After determining the type of sofa in each room, the following considerations are measuring the area of ​​the room. First you measure the room where the sofa will be placed, Second, you measure the desired length and width of the sofa.

It is also important to count the number of family members to make it easier for you to choose the type of long sofa that can accommodate the whole family while relaxing. As for the workspace, you may only need a small sofa to accommodate a few household members.

2. Color and Pattern

Consciously or not, the color and interior decoration of the room has a big influence on the occupants, and the sofa is no exception. Choose attractive sofa colors and motifs in harmony with the theme of the room. For example, for the living room, you can choose a classic themed sofa with a large size with semi-dark colors such as maroon or brown. However, if there is a patterned carpet in the living room, you should choose a plain sofa with soft colors. You can add a touch of patterns and motifs to the sofa cushions, it can be pop art themed or classic elegant. Adjust to your taste.

3. Sofa Frame

Determining the right frame is also part of good planning before buying. Generally, the sofa frame uses real wood that has been dried first. But there are also those who use plywood (a kind of plywood for sheets), with a cheaper price than real wood. It’s just that its strength is inferior to real wood.

In addition to wood, there is also a sofa whose frame is made of iron. Has a fairly strong resistance, but also not free from weaknesses. Unlike wood, iron frames are difficult to form, so sofas from this frame do not have many models and variations.

4. Sofa Fabric

The type of fabric determines the price of the sofa. There are 2 types of upholstery, namely those made of genuine leather or cloth peda which give a different feel. Sofa with genuine leather upholstery will give a classic, luxurious and elegant impression. Meanwhile, a sofa made of upholstery other than leather gives a casual impression.

Fabric from genuine leather has a much higher price compared to its quality which is comfortable to sit on and durable. In addition to being elastic, the upholstery of genuine leather does not fade as quickly as the color on the fabric. This type of synthetic leather upholstery has a lower price but the quality and comfort is far below that of genuine leather.

5. Warranty

For example, if you buy a sofa at a high price, make sure the shop where you buy has a product warranty or insurance. This is to anticipate losses such as the sofa you buy is damaged or defective without your knowledge at the time of purchase so that it can be exchanged again.

Tips for choosing the colors of your home elegantly | Gurgaon

There’s nothing more fun than spraying a coat of fresh paint on the wall to personalize a  room, picking out the colors that will go from wall to wall and the easiest way to switch between different interior paint ideas for your home, is to start with the colors you love. As you imagine, you are not bound by the traditional colors of a particular style like the soft neutrals of modern designs, and using your favorite color as a base color also makes it easy to create a color scheme for the entire room around it, so we have picked some basic tips and listed them here to learn the art of choosing the right colors for your home.

Cool blue tones

If you are a fan of blue, or purple and pink – ballet whatever look you like, find out how to use it in homes by looking at magazines and of course viewing a wide range of interior photos on different platforms like Pinterst, see how a thousand colors are used Various of your favorite colors in different rooms.

Neutral tones

You may be looking for a new color for the living room, but how will this new paint translate into the rooms of your house, such as the kitchen or the dining room? Then mix other colors, this allows for continuity between rooms while ensuring that different rooms have different personalities.

Looking for a warm touch

Tips for choosing the colors of your home elegantly

A neutral color scheme is not always the best choice. It depends on your home, its location, its architecture, as well as your own personality. In a world full of different interior paint ideas, why would you choose to spray an entire house in a way that can make it look boring? For example, Choose a striped wall in neutral colors for letter and pattern, and a neutral wall color with a pastel ceiling is another smart way to add color without losing space.

Color wheel

Tips for choosing the colors of your home elegantly

Bearing in mind that many interior paint ideas cannot be completed without taking into account the color wheel, i.e. two colors that appear opposite each other on the wheel, such as red and green, are the most intense when used together, playing with color wheels can lead to thought In brand new color palettes.

As the color wheel shows the visible temperature of the color, draw a line in the middle of the wheel, with the colors yellow, green, and blue on one side, and the rest on the other side—this perfectly separates shades of blue from the warmer colors like pink, orange, and red.

Pay attention to the details

Details such as cushions and tablecloths can also guide you in the right color path If you are creating a distinctive wall look for the most vivid colors in a print If you want to choose a paint color more subtle or for a larger area find out which color is used for the smallest details of a texture print .

Next step: Take a canvas swatch to the paint shop, let him help you choose paint strips, remember to choose three colors, and then go home to start playing with colors.

Tips for choosing wall colors | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

The wall colors of our house, just like the light, make it lively and welcoming. It is important that they reflect our taste and style to make us feel right at home. So we must also choose them carefully to make the different environments suitable for the type of activity they are intended for.

In this article, we will see how colors interact with light by adjusting our perception of space to achieve the best  interior design . We will also understand how they can affect us, for example by encouraging relaxation or focus. So we will have a tool to help us choose the right colors for each room.

1. Vivid color for bright contrast

Tips for choosing wall colors | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

If we want to give our bedroom all the brightness of our favorite color, we can use it, in intense shade, on the headboard wall of the bed and leave the other white walls in stark contrast. The light will reflect the color, immersing the entire room in a soft, soothing and relaxing shade.

2. White power

 White walls, as well as being suitable for enhancing any type of furniture, have the property to accentuate the brightness of the environment so as to allow us to visualize much more spacious. White is the perfect color to highlight the best pictures or frames hanging on the walls that light up the room with a touch of color.

3. Relaxing pastel shades

Pastel colors, with their soft and luminous shades, have the ability to instill calm and relaxation. Thus it is suitable for the walls of spaces for study and work, and for spaces in which it is important to be able to feel comfortable and focused. Moreover, being delicate colors, they are very suitable for the little ones room.

4. Dark colors for spacious elegance

Tips for choosing wall colors | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

Dark colors suit very spacious environments because they tend to make them smaller than they really are. So we have to use it for the walls of large environments that will give an indisputable style and elegance, especially if combined with elegant and modern design furniture. However it is recommended to always add a touch of color and pay special attention to the light so as not to overburden it completely.

6. Sobriety in gray and blue combination

Some shades of gray and blue give elegance and elegance to the space while maintaining a certain refined subtlety. It is therefore certainly suitable for work environments, as it facilitates concentration, as well as to enhance modern decor, especially in the living area where they prefer to relax and unwind.