The concept of home | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

The concept of home | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

The concept of home is the place where human beings feel protected and comfortable, where we can sleep, eat, and live together … live with our family. It is a closed space, with a roof and of a private nature. But what is a single family home? This is the name given to individual buildings where a single family lives, whether it is an isolated or semi-detached house, on individual or shared land. In addition, single-family homes occupy horizontal space, so apartment blocks do not belong to this category.

Advantages of a single-family home:

– Provides greater privacy to the family that inhabits it. – There is more freedom in terms of the construction and remodeling of the facade or structure. – As it belongs to a single family, car traffic is minimal. – The water and electricity infrastructure is simple and uncomplicated.


– They are an expensive option, since you have to invest first in the land and then in construction. – They have less scope for the population. – In general, and in most Mexican cities, the space to build single-family houses occurs in areas far from the center. – Sometimes, due to their isolation, they may be more likely to be visited by lovers of other people’s things.

Isolated or independent houses :

They are characterized by being built without any of their walls having contact with the house next door. It does not matter if it is a large house or a small one of social interest, if its walls are separated from the neighboring construction; it is an isolated single-family house. In addition, the access is independent and in many cases, it can be expanded, both laterally and upwards.


One of its main features is sharing a wall. They also commonly share the design, distribution and structural system; however, pedestrian and car access is independent. One of its disadvantages is that when you want to do a remodeling or extension, you have to agree with the neighbor to maintain a cordial relationship and so that the new facade or construction does not clash with the rest.


Regardless of whether a single-family home has a detached or semi-detached construction, its building style and design can be very vast: modern, rustic, minimalist or Mediterranean-inspired. Fortunately, when building your own family home, you have the freedom to choose the design that you like best. To be inspired to design your ideal home, you can take a tour of our Interior A to Z site, where you will find thousands of ideas, thousands of facades of large and small houses, for all tastes and budgets.

The cost of single-family homes

However, since the inflation of 2016, prices have risen significantly throughout the Mexican Republic, between 8% and 10%, the most affected states being, where a property of 145 m² located in a prestigious neighborhood, it can cost up to 9.5 million. The cost of a house not only depends on the location or geographical area, but on the square meters of construction, as well as the type and quality of the materials used. In order not to make unnecessary expenses or spoil materials, the best option when it comes time to build our dream house is to hire an architect, the expert who will help us plan our project without so many risks. You can see the list of architects in your city in the Interior A to Z directory here . What you must take into account to build a single-family house There are several aspects that must be taken into account before building your home: Conditions of the soil of your terrain, as well as of the surface. Size and style of your house, which adapts to your needs and tastes, both yours and your family’s. Hire the right builder or architect, preferably who resides in your locality, since he knows the land, costs and materials that suit the environment where you live. Build based on the plans made by a professional. Be aware of every detail and always close to an architect. Any questions, ask. Know and review each procedure and legal requirement necessary to build your house. Here at Interior A to Z, we have several articles that can help you have more information related to the construction of your house: The concept of home | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

The children’s room | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

It is not easy to choose the decor of children’s bedrooms, as it is a problem that most mothers face because of the importance of shaping and forming the child’s personality. Choosing children’s bedrooms A lot of things must be taken into account and accuracy in choosing children’s bedrooms because of the consequences of building the personality, trends and tendencies of the child. Top tips for designing a children’s room

Take the opinion of the child

Before starting to design the decor of children’s bedrooms, we have to take the opinion of the child as long as he is allowed to do so about all his preferences and tendencies of hobbies, games, pictures, tools, colors, and other everything related to the children’s room. The child’s comfort is the most important thing when the child is comfortable inside the bedroom, it helps him to have a more flexible personality, so we have to look at everything he loves and hates the child.

Choosing colors in children’s rooms

When choosing the colors of children’s bedrooms, we have to take into account if the child is less than four years old, then we must choose calm colors such as white, milky and pink. As for the child over four years old, we can choose bright colors inside the child’s room such as red or green, and we must also consider the type of the child. A male, we choose calm and appropriate colors for him, such as blue, but if it is a female, we must choose delicate girlish colors such as pink, and do not forget also to give the children’s room more joy with some hand drawings on the wall or wallpaper or paintings with harmonious colors that add some fun in the children’s bedrooms.

Lighting in children’s rooms

Lighting is an important topic in the child’s bedroom, so you must choose large bulbs and their light is clear, but it is indirect, in order to preserve the safety of the children’s eyes. It is possible to put blinds inside the children’s bedroom when studying places on the desk or comedian; we can put the blinds in a way and an aesthetic touch that gives the design an elegant and granular shape.

Storage in children’s rooms

We have to take care of the wardrobe inside the child’s room because it takes up a large area of ​​the bedroom, and it has many decorations and designs in a very large way. The bed, and we can also combine the closet with the office, as for the bedding, we can choose multiple forms of bedding, its sheets and pillows inside children’s bedrooms. For example, you can choose sheets with alphabets in a beautiful and eye-catching way for the child, and we can also choose sheets with special drawings with cartoons for the child. Thus, we can use our intelligence to exploit the small, empty corners inside the child’s room to give the design of children’s rooms at the highest level of beauty and elegance.

Floors and carpets in a child’s room

Many mothers are confused about choosing flooring for children’s rooms, because if we think of a wooden floor, it is a great choice, but it spoils quickly and gets damaged, but if we think about choosing ceramics, it is also a wonderful choice, but it is dangerous for children because of the possibility of them falling and skating on ceramics, so we thought to choose ceramics Matte because it is the easiest to clean and we also give it the choice of some carpets in order to prevent the child from bruising during the fall. As for the carpet, it must be consistent with the colors and decorations of the room.

Window and curtains in the children’s room

It is very important to have a window inside the child’s bedroom because it is necessary and healthy for the child to be exposed to sunlight and natural air, but we must take into account the safety point inside the window of the child’s room, the fence must be high and not put large or long chairs inside the window so that the child is not exposed to any harm As for the curtains, they differ according to the type of the child, male or female, so they differ in colors, designs and type of fabric. It is preferable that the curtain be transparent, that is, there are no layers in it to allow sunlight to pass through it to the child’s room, and the curtain must be consistent in colors with the shape of the room, bedding and floors In order to give an integrated design and decoration.

Tips to consider when choosing designs for children’s rooms

When choosing the colors of children’s bedrooms, light colors should be chosen to suit the child and make him feel psychologically comfortable. We can use wallpaper and natural drawings inside the child’s bedroom to make the child a lover of nature in its various forms. Do not forget to put a basket of garbage inside the child’s room to urge your child to the importance of hygiene. Everything that has to do with electricity, such as plug and others, inside the child’s room must be made sure that it is far from the child’s hand in order to ensure his safety and avoid risks. You can hire a specialist to help you choose the right design for your child’s room.

The Benefits of Commercial Interior Design

  • You get the expertise of Swati Goorha Designs through the entire design process.

  • We make sure that the pieces we choose fit into your business perfectly.

  • You’ll have access to our international vendors.

  • Swati Goorha provides you with a single point of contact rather than dealing with multiple contractors, vendors, and retailers.

  • We will design your space to be both attractive and functional.

  • You’ll have a space that you are proud to show off to customers and clients.

How the Commercial Interior Design Process Works

We always start the interior design process with a discovery call. This conversation is all about finding out your likes, dislikes, needs, desires and more. In order for us to create a space you will love, we need to know what your current space is missing and how you think it could be improved. We want to create a space that makes you happy and helps you grow your business. This call to discovery is completely free and gives us the foundation to build your space.

Commercial Interior Design Services

    • Corporate Office Design
    • Hospitality & Restaurant Design
    • Public Spaces & Lobby Design
    • Renovations, Additions, and Updates
    • Turnkey Full-Service Interior Design
    • Bathroom Design
    • Furniture, Finish, & Equipment Selection
    • Window Treatment Design
    • Accessories and Staging
    • Custom Millwork Design
    • Lighting Plan, Selection, & Sourcing
    • Color Consultation
    • Art Selection & Install Consultations



The atmosphere maker in the living room, completely conquers the sofa table

The most central space in the house is, after all, the  living room. The living room is a space where the family gathers and receives guests. In addition, by occupying the largest space in the middle of the house, it also serves as a passageway leading to each space. Because of this importance, the living room should be made larger and more comfortable. The living room interior is a space that harmonizes with the overall atmosphere of the house.

When we want to change the living room interior, the first thing we pay attention to is the wallpaper and the sofa. The design of the sofa, the largest piece of furniture in the living room, has a profound effect on the overall atmosphere. Unfortunately, not many people care about the sofa table as important as the sofa. A sofa table, called a center table in English, serves as a centerpiece in the center of the living room. An important sofa table that goes well with the atmosphere of the living room and has both practicality and practicality.

1. Warm and stylish glass table

First, let’s take a look at the long rectangular two-tiered glass table. The upper plate is made of tempered glass, so it is smooth and the lower frame is made of gold-colored metal material to bring out its modern and sophisticated charm. A design that fits well with Nordic interiors and modern interiors, which are currently taking over the interior world. It goes well with the simple and neat shape of the sofa.

2. Clean white table

This table is pure white table like milk. It blends with the bright and bright white interior to enhance the completeness of the space. A long rectangular table goes well with a long sofa and is practical because it can be used by several people. There is a subtle marble pattern on the top plate, making it more elegant and luxurious.

3. Attractive oval table

The long oval-shaped table adds soft curves to the space decorated with an urban feel, completing an edgy atmosphere. Because it is an uncommon shape, it is more unique and has no corners, so it can be safely used in homes with children. The X-shaped black frame is heavy and stable.

4. Elegant sofa table

The table we will look at this time has a smooth rounded rectangle shape. The long, spacious and practical, soft curves bring a sense of coziness and stability to the living room in need of rest.

5. Balanced square table

A square table of equal length on all four sides decorates the living room neatly and clearly with a unique sense of balance. Even when the frame or arrangement of the sofa is ambiguous, placing a square sofa table is effective because it gives a strange sense of stability. In addition, the square shape has a useful advantage because it can be widely used even for a compact size table. This item is especially recommended for a relatively small living room.

6. Round Sofa Table

Finally, let’s talk about circular tables. It is compact like a square table, but it can use a large area, and it has an elegant and sensual design with a soft curve. It is recommended when you want a more comfortable and cozy atmosphere than an angled table. It is not limited by the size of the sofa or living room, and the stable and soft feeling of the round shape perfectly suits both modern and classic styles, so even beginners can use it without any burden. Also, if you arrange tables of different sizes together as shown in the photo, you can enhance practicality and create a sophisticated interior effect.