Indoor house plants Interior Design

Indoor house plants Interior Design | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

A decent spot to start once you are pondering purchasing houseplants is to work out what light conditions you’ve got accessible. Light will generally be a restricting element in developing Houseplants. When unsure of thumb, most inside plants develop best in brilliant, circuitous light. This is often definitely not an immovable standard; numerous plants can affect different light dimensions. Each room in your home features a little extraordinary light condition, so put aside some effort to think about these conditions before choosing a plant. As an example, south-bound windows give the simplest measure of light; this is often enhanced within the winter months. They make the perfect spot for a plant that necessities solid, direct light. An east-bound window gives roundabout sun the greater a part of the day. This will end in by and enormous cooler temperatures for a plant. A westerly-confronting window will normally provides a plant backhanded light within the first a part of the day and early evening, yet solid direct sun and better temperatures later toward the evening. Ultimately, a north-bound window needs to be held uniquely for plants that require almost no light. Within the event that you simply as of now have houseplants that look leggy or have littler offensive leaves, they could experience the ill effects of excessively minimal light.

Overexposed plants can likewise have yellowing leaves. On the off chance that you simply have a plant experiencing one among these conditions, it’s going to be an excellent opportunity to get it an alternate window. Not all houseplants are tropical but rather most generally utilized will generally have a tropical or subtropical nature. This suggests they really like temperatures above 55°. On the off chance that you simply pick a plant that’s esteemed for its foliage it’s going to incline toward 65°- 75°. Plants that are esteemed principally for blooming sort of a similar temperature during the day however favor it marginally cooler during the evening. Whatever plant or on the opposite hand plants you choose, simply do your best to accommodate its prescribed temperature prerequisites into your way of life. Despite the very fact that various sorts of houseplants have their possess water necessities, knowing a few of nuts and bolts about watering pot help. Something that’s testing about brooding about plants beat all is that the indications of over-watering and under-watering are practically indistinguishable. Both may result in disagreeable, yellowing, sagging leaves. On account of the changing conditions in your home, it isn’t perfect or pragmatic to water houseplants on a group calendar. Absolutely the best approach to inform if a plant needs water is to feel the dirt. At the purpose when the highest inch of soil within the pot has dried out, the time has come to use water. Ensure your plants have pots that enable water to stream out of the bottom into a saucer. Delay 20 minutes approximately after you water a plant, at that time evacuate any standing water within the saucer. This may help diminish the probability of over watering.

Indoor house plants Interior Design in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR

Indoor plats interior design ideas

Plants can be as expressive as a work of art, indoor plants not only makes your space more inviting and fresh, but they also make your home air healthier. Plants add life and color to a space, while also bringing you closer to nature, make you happier and absolutely improve your life quality.

I will share with you how to select the best indoor plants to be used as a design element, where to place. It according to your decor, their size, the shape and some contemporary ideas to bring nature inside.

First of all you need to analyze the space: The first step of adding plants in your designs is analyzing the space and understanding the strongest and weakest points of a room.

Observe what part of the space can be brightened up and where can you add more static pieces. Walk around the room and look at the space from different perspectives, this will help you choose the best spot to make your green statement.

Remember that placing a plant in our interiors is all about light, so determine the type of sunlight in your spaces to select the perfect plant that will live inside your home under the lighting conditions.

Understand if the plants can thrive in low, medium and bright light. Some are versatile and can survive in any light while others are light sensitive.

Be sure the room’s light is adequate for plants. For me all plants are beautiful, I think all things that come from nature are perfect, but at the time of decorating with plants.

We need to be clever when selecting its shape, dimension and its aesthetic because at that moment the plant will be a design element like your furniture or your decor pieces. It will be part of the entire composition so let see how and where we can use tall or small plants with or without flowers in a given space to make your space.

Your home looks fabulous. Tall Plants are ideal for corners and other areas where you need to emphasized the vertical line. So it’s a good idea to use it in a small space as well. You can also use it in a space with double height to achieve harmony and good proportion.

They’re excellent to use in spaces where all the furniture and decor elements have a similar height. It’s ideal to break up the monotony between the furniture and decor elements. Apart from the obvious design aspect of the process, it’s important to know what is going to live in a space.

What is manageable around the lifestyle of the homeowner, I think No one likes to kill plants, right! So if you’re looking for tall plants, the dracaena a family, and the Areca palm are excellent for the aesthetics, they’re perfect to bring a tropical touch indoors.

If you’re interior has a tropical and fresh breeze this kind of plant matches perfectly with your decor. If your interior is more minimalist, neither Scandinavia nor contemporary, the Fiddle Leaf Fig could match better with your interior design style.

With these examples I want to show you guys that different kinds of plants go better with a specific interior design style, for that I have a special gift for all of you! in the description below I’ll leave a link with a guide that I prepared with different choices of the best indoor plants, there you will found some tips on how to select a plant depending of your interior design style, planters and some ideas and the basics to take care of the plants when they’re living inside your home.

Small plants are versatile and work throughout the home from the bathroom to the office. There are several small and medium plant choices to bring color and texture into your décor that are perfect to fill a dead space or walls or to soften the angular lines of your furniture.

They are ideal for coffee tables, dining table, nightstands, and console or to bring it into the space with a stylish stand planter that are so trendy right now. It’s a good idea to use plants at the end of side boards, bench seats, and TV units to help soften the hard edges of these flat surfaced pieces of furniture.

There is softness in plants that help warm a home by its organic shapes that make an exquisite contrast with the straight lines of the space and furniture.

The plant pot you choose is almost as important as the plant itself. Consider your interior scheme before investing in a planter; if your home is tropical inspired stick to bamboo or natural materials if your interior style is Scandinavian or contemporary a solid concrete or brushed metallic pot will work best.

Don’t clutter your space, keep an open plan giving the design enough space to breathe and flow. Small plants look beautiful in interiors. Due to their versatility they are perfect for basically any space in the house.

The most common small plants are: cactus, air plants, English ivy, peace lily and others that you will found in the free guide! Plants are also a good alternative to bring color and texture to your home. It doesn’t matter what color scheme you have going on, plants will always work.

They don’t ever conflict with other colors. If you are scared of bold colors and lean towards a more neutral color palette, greenery is an ideal means of injecting some color into your interior that you have absolutely no reason to be afraid of.

But if you’re looking for a plant with flowers to add an accent color into you space you should answer the following questions: 1.What colors are used throughout your space? 2. What splashes of color are found in your artwork or furniture or accessories? Take a good look and try and find plants that bloom with colors that compliment the color scheme of your space.

This will give your interior space a tidier appearance, while also helping to make focal points pop and to create a harmonious composition.

If you are looking for a pop of color an orchid can add life and a lot of elegance to the space. Maybe you’re looking for a red, orange or yellow accent? Including broadsides in that color can match perfectly with some vase or pillow in the same or complimentary tone.

You can check here on how to choose colors in your interior design! Remember that there are a lot of ideas out there on how to incorporate nature inside, so, be creative! Try a hanging plant or a green wall in your dining room to add color and nature in a sophisticated and different way.

Also another tip that I love Is to light up your plant or your green wall with a spotlight, the play between the light and shadows is so beautiful and helps incorporate texture and movement and to add depth into your room.

Guys remember to download the free guide to know which plants and planters can match with your interior design style and how to take care of it!

I hope this has inspired you to incorporate nature into your home and into your life.

Indoor plats interior design ideas in Gurgaon NCR

Breathe Life into Your Space: The Role of Indoor House Plants in Interior Design

In the realm of interior design, there’s a natural element that has the power to transform spaces, enhance ambiance, and promote well-being – indoor house plants. The integration of greenery into interior design goes beyond aesthetics; it brings nature indoors and creates a harmonious balance between the built environment and the natural world. In this blog, we explore the myriad ways in which indoor house plants can elevate your interior design, fostering a connection with nature and enhancing the beauty of your living spaces.

1. A Breath of Fresh Air

Indoor house plants are not just visually appealing; they also contribute to the quality of the air you breathe. Plants naturally filter the air by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen, improving indoor air quality and creating a healthier living environment.

2. Aesthetic Enhancement

The lush green hues of plants inject life, color, and texture into interior spaces. Whether it’s a towering fiddle-leaf fig in a corner or a collection of succulents on a windowsill, plants add visual interest and create focal points that draw the eye.

3. Creating Ambiance

Plants have the ability to set the mood and ambiance of a room. For instance:

  • Relaxing Retreats: Ferns, peace lilies, and snake plants are known for their calming presence, making them perfect for bedrooms and reading nooks.
  • Energetic Spaces: Vibrant and colorful plants like orchids or anthuriums can inject energy into living areas and home offices.

4. Natural Room Dividers

Large potted plants or plant stands can act as natural dividers that define separate areas within an open floor plan. They add a touch of privacy while maintaining an open and airy feel.

5. Biophilic Design

Biophilic design is a concept that emphasizes the connection between humans and nature. By incorporating indoor plants, you’re embracing biophilic principles that promote well-being and reduce stress, contributing to a more calming and rejuvenating atmosphere.

6. Stylish Planters

The pots and planters you choose can further enhance your interior design. From minimalist ceramics to rustic terracotta, planters come in a variety of styles that can complement your overall aesthetic.

7. Variety and Versatility

Indoor plants come in countless varieties, catering to different levels of care and maintenance. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner, there’s a plant that suits your lifestyle and adds a touch of nature to your space.

8. Functional Greenery

Certain plants offer functional benefits beyond aesthetics:

  • Aloe Vera: Known for its healing properties, aloe vera is a practical addition to kitchens or bathrooms.
  • Lavender: With its soothing scent, lavender can be placed in bedrooms to promote relaxation and better sleep.

9. Vertical Gardens

For those with limited floor space, vertical gardens or hanging planters allow you to bring greenery to walls, creating a living work of art.

10. Mindful Care Routine

Caring for indoor plants can be a mindful practice that connects you with nature and encourages responsibility. Regular watering, pruning, and nurturing create a sense of accomplishment.

11. Eco-Friendly Design

Embracing indoor plants aligns with eco-friendly design principles by reducing the need for artificial décor and enhancing the overall sustainability of your interior spaces.


Indoor house plants are a natural complement to interior design, offering benefits that extend beyond mere decoration. They infuse life, character, and vibrancy into spaces while contributing to better air quality, mood enhancement, and overall well-being. Whether you’re working with a minimalist aesthetic or a lush and tropical vibe, indoor plants offer a versatile and adaptable design element that can be tailored to suit any style and preference. So, why not welcome these botanical wonders into your living spaces and create an oasis of natural beauty within your home?