Home Decor Ideas Gurgaon

Home Decor Ideas Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR | Design Firm


One of the top and best architectural and interior design firms in Gurgaon, Interior A to Z was established in 2009 by principal designer Mr. Naim, a well-known and prominent architect and interior designer in Gurgaon for the past 15 years. Interior A to Z provides architectural and interior design services for both commercial and residential buildings in Noida, Gurgaon, Delhi, India. We are able to design and construct the greatest residential and commercial projects because to our years of experience, and we’re always working to raise the bar to better serve our customers. Also, our organization has a staff of experienced management, sales, design, and project team members that are skilled in managing a wide range of projects. At Interior A to Z, we offer our clients high-quality services at competitive prices.

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A floor plan is a diagram that depicts the layout of a space as seen from above by our top interior designers and architects in Gurgaon, India.



We speak with the customer to learn about and meet their needs.


We work together to combine your needs with our ideas, suggestions, and execution.


We offer the greatest design ideas for both interior and architectural design.


One of the most well-known and reputable interior design and architecture firms is INTERIOR A TO Z, which has offices in Chhatarpur Delhi and Gurgaon City. We have more than 15 years of experience, making us a perennial favorite with those who need to genuinely embellish their spaces with extraordinary ideas. Here is the best of our business.

Interior Design

Our interior design team provides original and thoughtful solutions to meet your needs. We are skilled in listening and incorporating the character of your company into a setting.

Architectural design is translated and converted into concrete, significant, creative representations through anything from the interpretation of uncooked data to taking part with clients in full-fledged design charities.

Project management

At every level, we are taskmasters. Most clients are concerned about a lack of transparency, shifting deadlines, and escalating costs. Our business-savvy project managers provide technical experience that helps to simplify, complete projects on schedule, and stay inside budget. Coordination of consultants, control of the budget, regular reporting, scheduling of designs, and trends and forecasting of design-fee cash flows. Every outcome There are none.

Planning and development

We blend a fantastic local touch with a very global reach. We are able to successfully traverse local regulatory approval procedures, from platting subdivisions to zoning and permits, because to our dedication to our communities.

We also deal with site analysis, parking, access, circulation, urban design, municipal development standards, and place making challenges. Always, the full picture is present.


Mr. Naim, the principal designer, launched Interior A to Z in 2009 to offer professional interior design and architecture services. We are able to design and construct residential and commercial projects because to our years of experience, and we’re always working to raise the bar to better serve our customers. Also, our organization has a group of competent management, sales, design, and project team members that are skilled in managing a wide range of projects.

Our internal service offers skilled design and space planning so you can fully comprehend the entire process. Our certified and experienced interior designers are skilled at using CAD and 3D software. The use of computer-aided visualization gives clients the confidence to interpret designs exactly as the designer sees them in his head. We approach our clients with innovative thinking, fresh ideas, and an inspiring attitude.

We have gained knowledge from experience over the past year and perfected our system and procedures. Our documentation is transparent and impenetrable. This indicates that we have attended to every small detail necessary to provide you the greatest outcomes. The process is always put through a number of inspections since we always value perfection because it enhances our reputation and leaves clients happy.

Home Decor Ideas Gurgaon

How to organize your living room effectively, 21 ideas for living room bookshelves

On a cold winter evening, under the color of soft lighting, snuggle up in a cozy blanket, eat sweet and sour tangerines, and read your favorite book, that would be happiness. Isn’t it said that books are the food of the mind? The more you read, the more experience and knowledge you will be able to solve your problems.

How about creating an intellectual image by decorating the atmosphere of the living room, which determines the first impression of a house, with a bookshelf? Even with the same bookshelf, the colors and designs vary greatly. If you want to learn more about the various designs and colors of bookshelves, read today’s article.

1. With sensuous lighting

By placing a sensual light behind the sofa, we created a space to read a book while maintaining the atmosphere. The gray sofa interior will create a more comfortable reading atmosphere.

The effects of lighting are endless. A sensuous design decorated the front of a plain bookshelf. Click the link to learn more about lighting.

2. Bookcase next to TV

Decorating a large wall with a single TV is no fun. The living room is made into a reading space by decorating the living room with white bookshelves that match the color of the wall that allows books to be organized and stored at the same time.

3. Open Wood Shelf

If you feel burdened by the large volume of the bookshelf, how about using the unused space appropriately? A shelf was placed on the empty wall above the sofa and used as a bookshelf. In particular, it is made of wood shelves, and while unifying it with the overall living room atmosphere, the shelves are arranged sensibly to eliminate the stuffy feeling unique to the bookshelf.

4. No TV, only bookshelves

This is the design of the living room without the TV. Instead of not having a TV, you will have more time to talk with your family and have room to build up your mind’s food. The color of the bookshelf is different to give fun, and a three-dimensional pattern is given in the middle to give a fresh interior.

5. A bookshelf on one side of the living room

This is a classic bookcase design. There is a door on the bookshelf, so it can cover the frantic list of bookshelves, and it is relatively easy to clean up the dust. An elegant living room was created using luxurious curves and gold paint.

6. Bookcase on the veranda

If you are worried about not having a place to put a bookcase in the living room, it is a good idea to put a bookcase on the wall on the veranda next to the living room. It has the same size as the wall and features a wood material, so it goes well without being caught in the field of vision.

7. Interior decorated with lights

It is an interior decorated with many books in the living room and a bookshelf to organize them. The point is the lighting that shines toward the bookshelf. The yellow light creates an atmosphere as if you are in a cafe, allowing you to appreciate the atmosphere as if you were in an art gallery.

8. Modern Atmosphere

This is a living room with white bookshelves and white clocks on the all. The white color creates a modern atmosphere . I chose a white color that goes with the wood on the floor, and the sofa was decorated in white to match.

9. Bookshelf next to TV

I attached two pillars to the wall next to the TV and made a shelf between the pillars. The space was decorated with a three-dimensional feeling rather than a flat wall, and the shelves were made in a color that matches the wood on the floor to give a sense of unity.

10. TV and shelf

It is an interior made of shelves by attaching only the plates to the plain wall where only the TV was hung. It’s a one stone, two-piece idea that provides a lot of storage space without requiring a lot of material.

11. Quiet Atmosphere

Utilizing the natural atmosphere of wood, all the accessories in the living room are decorated with wood. Two long bookcases were placed at the end of the living room wall to accommodate storage, and a single shelf was made to connect the bookcases so that the wall was not boring.

12. Bookcase decorated with sliding doors

It is an interior that makes good use of the advantages of sliding doorsThe sliding door, which occupies less space and creates a sophisticated atmosphere, was effectively used by placing it in front of a bookshelf full of miscellaneous items.

13. Low Bookcase

A low bookshelf was placed under the yellow wall to create a bright atmosphere. While taking advantage of the color of the wall, cushions were placed over the bookshelf to act as a chair.

14. Bookcase under the TV

If you placed the TV at eye level and placed it in the center of the wall, a bookshelf was placed below that to the appropriate height to neatly organize the necessary equipment for the TV and place books.

15. Sensational Shelves

It is an interior made of bookshelves with shelves without feeling cramped on one side of the living room wall. It is characterized by being able to make various sensuous patterns by taking advantage of the advantage of a flat shelf.

16. Three-dimensional feeling

The furniture is decorated with white and soft colors. The wood shelf was recessed into the wall to help organize small clutter and books, while adding lighting to create an atmosphere.

17. Noble Atmosphere

Dark furniture gives a noble atmosphere. In particular, the darkly designed shelves using reddish-brown wood create an atmosphere as if old books are placed on them.

18. Utilization of space

The living room where the veranda was located was expanded to secure more space. The book was neatly organized by placing a shelf above it while changing the place where the veranda door used to be with a three-dimensional wall decoration.

19. With the piano

It is an in layer of a house full of artistic atmosphere. I chose a bright wood-colored bookshelf to give it a soft feel, and put the keyboard in front of it to create a space where songs, books, and conversations can be shared.

20. Black Frame

The living room is decorated in a modern way with black frames. A black shelf, a black TV, and a black desk created a modern and neat atmosphere.

21. A unique bookcase

It is a structure that combines the two by utilizing the characteristics of the visible and invisible design. In particular, the point that divides the partitions is expressed in diagonal lines as if they are connected.

Home decor and styling are a reflection of your personality – no matter how good your clothes are, unless your home is neat and tidy, your personality will not have a good effect – your home Shows activities from morning to evening, so it is important that you keep a few things in mind and turn your home into a coin and beautiful home.

The question also arises as to whether it is necessary to decorate the house properly so that your house is new. The simple answer is that it is not necessary. In this we emphasize the need for you to plan and make gradual changes – because it would be impossible to get a week’s work done in one day.

It doesn’t matter if your living room is small or large, whatever sofa you put in there should be the same color as the other items in the room – similarly the color of the chairs placed there should  match the other items in the room. Should have happened-

– Shelves in the room are very helpful in arranging and arranging things.

-The shelves should not be arranged in a row-but should be set according to the capacity of the room-

– The wall of the room should be painted in neutral tones or you can use green, blue and yellow in bright colors.

– If the TV trolley is modern style, it gives a good impression. – Keep the furniture around it with a good setting.

The room should be well lit. It is also important to have curtains or blinds to protect from bright sunlight.
– If the room has low natural light, use lamps well or Apply glasses in such a way that they reflect light into the room and make the house or room look bright.

A coffee table is a very important part of your home or room. Decorate it with decorating pieces of your choice, keep a vase for fresh flowers or keep books and magazines of your choice.

– Make sure you have a good type of rug with a sofa in your living room. – There must be cushions for the rug so that your room becomes a complete center of comfort. – It is better to change the rug repeatedly  than once Take a good kind of carpet.

Usually when you enter the house you have a hall or entrance room whose setting and decoration impresses the guests first – Here are some tips for decorating the entrance of your house which will definitely be useful. –
A unique style of furniture is essential for your hall – It doesn’t matter if the furniture is second hand or new – whether it is made of wood or plastic, painted or your handicrafts. You can place this furniture along the wall of your hall and use contrasting colors in the room. Excellent arrangement of light for lighting will enhance the beauty of your hall and it will be an excellent welcome room. Make sure you have a place to keep your shoes and keys.

As a couple, when you set up a  room , consult with each other on what should and shouldn’t be in the room. Choose the colors in the room keeping in mind the principle of 7-8-7. Curtains, cushions, sheets, blankets and all the necessary things in the room should be modern style and choose by mutual choice.

This is very easy if you just want to set up your room, but try to consult and it will be much better – as a single person, when you set up your room, of course you have your choice. Everything is set and brought accordingly – but be careful if you are a person of simplicity, keep your wardrobe short – so that it is easy to reduce – similarly take care of the rest of the items only Have a room in your room that you do not have trouble cleaning, setting and folding – Choose the color of the wall according to the principle of 7-8-7 for color in the room –  Proper arrangement for lighting in the room It is necessary-

You can choose yellow, blue, green or any other bright color depending on the age of the children – it is better if there is not much furniture in the room – and the material used in the children’s room should be of this type. Easy to do –

It is best to use good material bags or cloth bags to keep things in the children’s room. They also have the advantage that you can hang them.

It is better to have minimal furniture in the bathroom.

It is best to have the right furniture to hold things from roof to floor or from floor to ceiling.

Have a suitable place for shower and clean faucets, faucets etc.

Unique dark or bright color picks Whatever you like, in today’s modern kitchen you will find the best designs and colors in all kinds of colors – you can also take utensils and other kitchen utensils depending on the colors of the kitchen. -You can choose everything from hooks in the wall to slabs and utensils to the color of the refrigerator to your liking and style -Also you can customize your kitchens with traditional and cultural style instead of modern style. Can fix-