Eros Sampoornam Phase II Interiors Designs Greater Noida

Eros Sampoornam Phase II Interiors Designs Greater Noida

How to renew your home with distinctive colors?

Colors are the element, through which we can convey our feeling in the decor, but it undergoes some changes every year due to the difference in fashion, and these trends are determined by experts in the world of décor, who define them in their designs according to the space.

We are on the verge of a new year, so we decided to dedicate this article to you to find out what is the fashion of colors in 2019, if you are preparing to finish your apartment this year, this article will help you with that, or if you want to renew your home decor you can enter these colors in Accessories or in simple things will not cost you anything.

1- Red

The red color and its derivatives began to appear in furniture fairs this year and stores for everything related to the decor. The designer of this room did using vinyl lettering to write a message on the wall, as well as the retro lamp with a very modern design, to create a unique atmosphere in the room.

2- Orange

We will not stray too far from red this year. Orange is a bright color that adds freshness to interior spaces. There are some color pairs that we bet on succeeding this season, such as orange and white, gray or brown. This duo generates warmth in interior spaces, especially as it harmonizes with Wood, for example, if you look at this bathroom you will feel that the space before your eyes is wide and very bright.

3- Blue

Blue is one of the colors used a lot in the decor because it has different shades that can convey different sensations depending on the degree used, for example, light blue gives a sense of serenity in the space used, and therefore it is very ideal for relaxation spaces such as the bedroom.

If the bold blue color is used, it gives a lively touch to the space and breaks the monotony, such as this chair used to decorate the living room.

4- Copper

Once again, the metals hit the interior spaces of the homes again, and they return again to appear in the decor of the different rooms this year, and it is a very suitable fashion for those who prefer the industrial style, the copper color gives you this feeling of modernity and warmth.

We can integrate this color into the space by painting or using it in some accessories, for example, it is preferable to use it in the kitchen room where you can rely on it as a color for lamps, faucets or even furniture, and in any case this color creates a very charming and antique atmosphere.

5- Colors that never go out of fashion

There are several colors that cannot be dispensed with, no matter what the fashion is, they must always be present on the scene, for example, for warm spaces we must resort to soft, calm colors, bearing in mind that not all the colors used are going on the same tone so as not to create a feeling of dress.


6- Good color combinations

Personal details give the decor a unique atmosphere for the rooms, for example, personal photos, sheets, a special piece of furniture, a different lamp, furniture, or a vase, all these elements through which you can enter some beautiful colors of the space, thanks to which the decor is renewed, we suggest you Use color combinations such as fuchsia, turquoise, mustard, green and gray to give new life to your home.

Eros Sampoornam Phase II Interiors Designs Greater Noida

Basic Principles of Interior Design | Interior Design firm Gurgaon

To create a unified and fashionable place, there are specific concepts and components that every professional in the field of interior design must be aware of. They will be able to assemble a room that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing if they comprehend these fundamental ideas.

As qualified interior designers in Gurgaon, we tackle the tenets and components of design from a distinct angle. We work hard to design rooms that are both attractive and useful because we recognize the value of both equally near Gurgaon area. Everything, from the colour scheme to the furniture arrangement, is important to us.

Our aim is to always design spaces in Gurgaon that are a reflection of the unique tastes and needs of our clients. We spend time getting to know our customers so that.

The rules and criteria that designers adhere to in order to create rooms that are both useful and aesthetically acceptable are known as interior design principles in Gurgaon. Balance, harmony, rhythm, proportion and scale, emphasis, contrast, and details are the seven major tenets of interior design. Any area in your house, from the living room to the bathroom, can be decorated using these ideas.


Balance in design creates the appearance of equilibrium. It has to do with the visual element, and it involves placing furniture and decorative items in a room as equally as you can so that everything has the same visual weight. The placement of the pieces within the area must be considered in order to achieve equilibrium. To do this, we must carefully examine the various things’ lines, shapes, colors, and textures.

Balance can be classified as formal, informal, or radial.

Symmetrical or formal

Symmetrical balance, which is the technique of mirroring and matching each side of a room, is necessary for traditional or formal settings. A coffee table with two chairs on either side of it, for instance, can be said to be symmetrically balanced. As design elements are reproduced on both sides, this kind of balance is straightforward to establish. The mirror effect is yet another name for this method. If you’re not careful, formal balance could easily turn monotonous.

Asymmetrical or Informal

Without exact duplication, the visual weights of the lines, colours, forms, and textures are balanced. In addition to being more intricate and fascinating, this sort of balance is less well-ordered than symmetrical balance. For instance, two seats on the opposite side of a sofa can balance it.

Radial balance

When there is a central focal point and other elements radiate out from or around it, radial equilibrium is established. A round dining table with chairs placed around it serves as an illustration. Form, texture, and color are all repeated a lot.

Unity and Harmony

The design of a home should emphasize unity. To make a harmonious overall, each piece of furniture, style, and decoration must complement the others. Your home design is beautiful since all of the design components are cohesive and consistent. Always keep in mind that the project’s patterns, colors, textures, and other elements should flow naturally from one to the next. If not, the space’s separate components will clash and look out of place.

Using complementary colors and elements in a room to create the impression of an integrated design is known as the harmony principle. When a room’s components work together around a subject or style, there is harmony. Some techniques, such as.


The rhythmic structure of a piece of music would be described if we were to analyze it. Interior design utilizes the same idea: rhythm is created through the visual repetition of shape. While designing our homes, we ought to consider how to arrange the various components so that there is repetition, progression, transition, or contrast. By utilizing these visual cues, we may draw attention to specific areas of the room and ultimately improve the space’s overall appearance.

Proportion and Scale

The best strategy for creating a sense of belonging among the items in a room is to use the concepts of proportion and scale. Whether it is size, shape, form, or color, everything must be in harmony with the surrounding objects and the room. Understanding how to utilize the surroundings, whether it is a huge or tiny place, is crucial to following this approach.

Scale is the comparison of the sizes of objects, while proportion is the connection between two objects. A large, overstuffed sectional, for instance, will look out of place in a small room. A modest coffee table could seem out of place in front of two large sofas.


The use of an accent in a space that draws attention, such as a colour, component, texture, or pattern, is known as emphasis in interior design. A space without a focal point is forgettable and uninteresting. So, picking one thing in the room to act as the centre of attention, around which the rest of the design will spin, is required by the principle of emphasis. This notion is used by radial balancing, which aids in emphasizing the chosen area of the room.

A fireplace, a piece of furniture, or a work of art that you wish to use as the inspiration for your design can all serve as the focal point. After selecting your focus point, the other steps are easy.


There are numerous methods to add contrast to a space. Use of colour is one of the most noticeable. Warm and cold hues or light and dark colours together can produce a dramatic result. Scale, pattern, and texture are further aspects of contrast that you might use.

Keep in mind that less is typically more when incorporating contrast in your design. A space can seem disorganized and overwhelming with too much contrast. Finding the ideal balance is crucial if you want to design a beautiful and harmonious space.

Contrast adds visual interest and aids in the spatial definition process. If done correctly, it may give a space a lively, vibrant air.

Consider where you might use contrast in your home now that you have a better understanding of it.


The final fundamental concept of interior design is attention to detail. Without the proper finishing touches, a space will never seem finished and unique. And the good news is that adding them doesn’t require you to be a qualified interior designer! This last phase gives you the chance to showcase your distinct style and fill the space with items you find interesting.

A room is unique due of its details. You can make a space uniquely yours by including personal touches and paying attention to little details.

Bed and sofa for interior | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

Beds and sofas, which occupy a large proportion in large living rooms and bedrooms, are the most important pieces of furniture in the house as well as their high prices. The bed, which determines the atmosphere of the bedroom, and the sofa for relaxation, must be carefully considered and selected not only for the design of the interior but also for the health. These days, there are many products that are as functional as well as good designs, so you can choose a bed and sofa that suits you from a variety of products. If you choose well, you can get enough rest and sleep well.

If you want to know what various products are available in beds for a healthy sleep and sofas that provide comfort, pay attention to today’s article?

Bed for a good night’s sleep

As the importance of health and healing grew and interest increased, the types of stone beds also increased, and it is a mica stone mattress with a beautiful harmony of black and white stone. Mica stone, which is rich in germanium minerals, supplies oxygen and generates negative ions, strengthens immunity and prevents aging, as well as anti-cancer and anti-viral substances, making it a product for the healthy life of modern people. The Geneva bed, made of fabric, is made of herringbone material, which stands out for its luxury.

Healthy and clean bed

A healthy bedroom can keep you healthy and get a good night’s sleep just by knowing how to remove germs. At this time, if you choose an Indus Gold Stone mattress that not only selects clean bedding, but also enhances immunity with antibacterial, deodorizing and sterilization for air purification like the product in the photo, and induces a good night’s sleep, you can double your immunity. The corners of the bed are finished with curves made of soft suede fabric.

Bed and sofa, two functions at once

You can use space efficiently, and it can also be used as a bed for guest’s right in the living room without having a separate guest room. Once the entire part of the sofa is fordable, it can be gradually transformed into a bed by lowering the backrest. The modern color and spacious sofa function as much as a normal double bed.

Bed with storage function

The bottom of the mattress is lifted to add a storage function. Generally, the lower part of the bed cannot be stored at all as a space for the mattress. You can conveniently organize your bedding without a separate cabinet. 

Small space practical drawer bed

The drawer type bed is a practical product because there is no need to put more than two beds in a small space or a children’s room with many children. Pull the drawer under the single bed to reveal a new bed that can be used by two children at the same time. Its practicality and neat design can make a small space tidy.

A sofa-cum bed with a cute pattern

The yellow background color and butterfly-shaped pattern give the overall brilliance, and the simple folding makes it easy for anyone to double as a bed and a sofa.

Interior sofa with white embroidery

If you want to give the living room a little more point, how about a bold interior design with a heavy sofa? The product in the photo is a sofa with a flexible curved wooden frame and a design engraved with white flower point embroidery on black leather. The seat cushion and back cushion can be separated, and the armrest and backrest are made of solid wood ash, and the seat is made of solid oak, based on a flexible structure and robustness.

Single sofa

As the number of single people increases, the sales of single-seat sofas are rapidly increasing, and various and stylish products can be accessed. The product in the photo is a single-person sofa with a wide front and rear, designed at a comfortable angle when the back and seat are seated, and the luxurious harmony of wood and leather makes the living room atmosphere warmer. In addition, as a basic frame, you can choose between white oak and walnut wood.

Unique shape sofa

It is a wooden sofa that stands out for its unique shape and is suitable for the interior of the house. Unlike the general leather-type long sofa, this sofa is for one person and is a good product to read a book and take a rest. The comfortable and soft nature of the wood material makes it feel even more comfortable.

Bed sofa for children’s room

For a child’s room that requires a lot of storage space, choosing a product with high functionality can improve space utilization. The product in the photo is a bed-type sofa for children’s rooms Furniture. This product can be used as a sofa or lie down like a bed if necessary. In addition, you can feel the natural beauty by using natural cedar, which is good for children.